Saturday, December 28, 2019

An Issue Of Genetically Modified Organisms - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 408 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/26 Category Science Essay Level High school Topics: GMO Essay World Hunger Essay Did you like this example? Genetically modified organisms or GMOs are an exciting and valuable development for those who understand the increased efficiency they offer for food production. As population steadily rises, resources are dwindling. Currently there are 821 million people who are chronically malnourished and ninety-eight percent of them live in a developing country. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Issue Of Genetically Modified Organisms" essay for you Create order To ensure food is available to everyone, local agricultural production in developing countries must increase. Relying exclusively on exported goods has led to this problem. While nearly thirteen percent of people remain undernourished even though the current output of the worldrs farms could supply over 11 billion people with 2,000 calories per day (Gerry). If provided genetically modified seeds, each family could grow their own food. GMOs could be helpful in stabilizing the hunger crisis in developing countries. Genetically modified crops could be engineered to grow in even the most arid of climates. A cost efficient reliable food source would allow families to spend money on other necessities like water, housing or healthcare. This boost in resources would not only help diminish world hunger, over time it would increase the economy and consumerism as well. The problem of world hunger will only increase. The human population is growing more rapidly than was initially thought. Recently the UN published their latest estimates which project the worldrs population to be 9.3 billion in 2050†400 million more than previously estimated (Herrera). Even the most propitious projections of population growth predict potential mass tragedy if we dont increase our crop yield and production. To prevent famine food production and distribution must change. The increased yield of GM crops offer could prevent the oncoming famine if implemented immediately. With the world already facing a high percentage of people going hungry, action must be taken now to ensure the malnourished population does not increase. For people living in privileged countries, GMOs are perceived as a dangerous new form of biotechnology. First world consumers see no immediate benefit from GMOs, whether it be lower prices or increased nutritional value. None of this is necessary for people who already have access to an abundance of nutritional food. The new technologyrs apparent lack of benefit leads consumers to believe it reckless and unnecessary. As the first world continues to fight the worldwide spread of GM crops, millions of people are dying of starvation. Although they are trying the protect consumers in developed countries, critics of GMOs are blocking a technology that could be of immense benefit for people in the Southern Hemisphere.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Television, Television And Public Places - 1690 Words

1a. It is very important to draw comparison between the internet, library, television and public places as a result of the fact the internet can also be considered or viewed as a public place where information can be obtained freely at any point in time, and this makes it very important to know what the law says about this disseminating information to the general public with respect to the first amendment. Looking at this various medium i.e libraries, television and public places and what the law stipulates according to the United State constitution the first amendment expressly forbids against depriving citizens their right to freedom of speech, of press, right to assemble and petition the government. But in this case emphasis is placed on the freedom of speech. The entire medium stated above has differences between them and the difference between them how the freedom of speech law applies to each one of them, for example the library consist of various material including the press, which has been granted lots flexibility when it comes to freedom of speech been the oldest media but the content available in the library is still controlled by the owner of the library so that it does not infringe on any law. Likewise the television the government has set up various body to control what is being aired to the general public, but it does not have any control of privately owned television pro viders such as charter, dish etc. 1b. The internet is similar to the library, televisionShow MoreRelated ESPN: Portrayal of Sports on Television Essay836 Words   |  4 PagesSports on Television Sports have played a big in role throughout the history of television. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy

Statement of Educational Goals and Philosophy I can still remember coming home from school after an exciting day in the first grade. I would go straight to my room, line all of my dolls up in the floor, and â€Å"teach† them everything I had learned earlier that day. But of course, not every child who pretends to be a teacher in his or her early years actually becomes a teacher. So although I enjoyed â€Å"teaching,† I never really considered it as a choice for my life-long career. But the summer after ninth grade made me rethink my options. My best friend’s dad was in charge of a summer camp for underprivileged children. He needed some junior counselors for the week, so we volunteered to help; we wouldn’t mind†¦show more content†¦As the week progressed and friendships formed between everyone, I realized the importance of the camp to all that were involved. To the counselors it was a learning experience, as well as a time to appreciate all that we would usually take for granted; to the campers it was a time to learn and make new friends, and for most of them, it would also serve as their only form of a summer vacation. So although we were all exhausted by the end of the week, we had a great time. After seeing the smiles that seemed almost permanent that week, I realized how important it is to work with and help younger children. I also learned what it’s like knowing that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. I’ve been a counselor at that same camp for two more years since that first summer, and it gets better every time. Even though it can be difficult and frustrating to work with children sometimes, the reward that you, as well as the children, receive is well worth the effort. Deciding that I wanted to be a teacher didn’t take much effort; deciding what kind of teacher I want to be however, takes much more thought. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Where Have All the Guys Gone - 885 Words

The men in college seem to just disappear as the years go by. According to Patricia M. Anderson, a member of the Department of Economics at Dartmouth College, notes that â€Å"Since the early 1970’s, the fraction of college students who are male has dropped from about 56 percent to under 44 percent† (2).The male student enrollment has been slowly decreasing for the past forty years. Today’s young generation has different views and opinions on what is important in their life. Some reasons for men not to enroll into a college or university come from personal reasoning or obligations. There are also opportunities that take them on a different path other than college. Finally, the school requirements have increased over the years making it much†¦show more content†¦Since the war in Iraq started, the number of soldiers needed has greatly increased. According to Jim Michaels, USA TODAY, noted that â€Å"In 2008, the percentage of young people who said they wo uld probably join the military increased from 9% to 11% in the first half of this year, according to a Pentagon-sponsored survey. The poll questioned 3,304 young people ages 16 to 21† (Michaels 1). The opportunity of getting or having a job can affect some men’s college decisions. When a man has to support himself or others in today’s ever changing economy, it can change their views on how important enrolling into college or university really is. A number of men are choosing to go to a trade school to learn a trade such as carpentry, plumbing, or air conditioning. This is a quicker way to learn a skill and often cheaper than going to college for four years. Specialized trade schools can be a quick way to become established in the work force and may even pay better than a college graduate. Getting accepted into a college or university can be a hard goal to accomplish. The academic requirements for school have drastically increased as the years have gone by. Some schools have changed their academic requirements so that they only take the best of the best and the students who have average grades have a difficult time getting accepted into their school of choice. Then there are theShow MoreRelatedHyper Masculinity Vs. Emasculation1298 Words   |  6 PagesHyper-Masculinity vs. Emasculation The role the father figure plays in a family is very important; from providing food, and shelter, to raising their youth into functional members of society. The actions of Abner Snopes from â€Å"Barn Burning† and Guy from â€Å"A Wall of Fire Rising† have a huge impact on their families, but more important their sons. The fathers try to teach their sons values and lessons that will prepare the young boys to become men. 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Billions of people have died, all animal and plant life is no more: â€Å"At the tide line a woven mat of weeds and the ribs of fishes in their millions stretching along the shore as far as eye could see like an isocline of death.† the survivors of the barbaric wars that followed theRead MoreShort Story1580 Words   |  7 Pagespretends to be this grumpy, grisly guy, sometimes he can be cheesy like that. I tell Jefra about us being Ethel and Lucy from I love Lucy, but Jefra just rolls her eyes and says, â€Å"You know I don’t watch that old-timey crap.† Then the guy called Pete comes over, and Jefra crosses her arms, but she doesn’t say anything to him. Even though it’s only a couple of minutes after ten, its already hot enough to make me feel as though I am melting into the mud pit. The two guys watch us for a moment, and Pete

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Management Accounting Computing Appropriate Cost

Question: Describe about the Management Accounting for Computing Appropriate Cost. Answer: Introduction According the study, it is stated that computing appropriate cost for manufactured goods and services are one of the essential business activities. The allocation of cost for any particular product or services is always considered on the basis of their selling prices and amount of profitability Company is expecting from those activities. As per the AASB 102, it is considered that inventories costs are always based on cost of purchase of that particular product, cost of conversion during its selling activities and others related cost (AASB 2013). On the other hand, allocation of proper cost and expenses by supporting other related cost of production and conversion cost. Lets take an example, while production buck amount of goods within a manufacturing concern, purchase cost of indirect materials are related to production cost and cost of raw material will be included into purchase cost. It is also supportive, while determining appropriate amount of cost of products required a specific procedures and concepts which are initiated by AASB. Specific Purpose behind Establishing a Production Costing System The establishment of product costing system is beneficial for both product as well as service rendering organization. Basically this costing system is initiated for determining the cost of both manufactured products and others related services rendered by the company to their customers (Fullerton, Kennedy and Widener 2013). There are two specific objective organizations have related to product costing system. Those are basically primary objectives and secondary objectives. Primary objectives behind establishment of product costing system There are several aims and objectives which are related to production costing system implementing and providing benefits to different business entities. Those activities are basically related to determining the cost of the manufactured products and rendering services of that particular organization (James and Colella 2012). It is an important process of a manufacturing concern to allocating the proper price to avoid the losses within that particular event. Proper allocations of expenses are also required to control and monitored the operating expenses of the organization. According to the AASB regulations, it is stated that production cost required to be calculated on the basis of total manufacturing cost bear by an organization within a financial period of time (Brandon 2016). Generally consideration of unrelated costs is lead to increase the product cost of the company which is one of the major reason for organization incurring losses within a specific period of time. Ascertaining better selling prices and allocation of profitability index is always a big factor for an organization. It is also recognized that ascertaining of selling price of a produced goods is also based on the competitive pricing basis (Hofstede 2012). The overall accounting process is determining that costs of production, gross profit, and net profit for an organizational financial statement are interrelated. These activities are also helpful for a entity to make a proper decision for the benefit of the organization. So it is proved that without allocation of production costing system determination of proper profit and selling price for manufactured products of an organization is complex in nature. Secondary objectives behind usage of production cost system There are several secondary objectives of a business entity while following a production cost system into making better decision making processes. Calculation of production cost and its related expenses are necessary for an organization and production costing system is one of most appropriate way to manage those costs effectively (Hart, Wilson and Fergus 2012). There are basically different expenses and overheads which are required to be controlled and securitized by the management of a particular entity effectively. Preparation of budget, enhancement of efficiency level of an organization during their production process is also applicable for a concern for managing various related departments (Drury 2013). The particular management of an organization is required to take a appropriate decision while allocating their production related cost or measurement of profitability of an organization within a specified period of time. These product costing systems is also supportive for identif ying total contribution as well as break even cost of the organization. Schedule Preparation for Cost of Goods Produced and Cost of Goods Sold Within an Manufacturing Concern Schedule preparation for cost of goods produced The schedule for measuring and recording the cost of total goods produced is an essential statement for measurement of appropriate amount of goods manufactured within a specified period of time. This schedule also holding several cost related to computation of total cost of produced goods step wise (Collier 2015). The basic cost of produced goods are calculated on the basis of adding total direct material and direct labor cost for a specified period of time. On the other hand, the prime cost which is included material and labor cost are also added factory overhead to determine the factory cost of that particular concern, factory cost is also included with various indirect and factory related cost (Demski 2013). Production cost of a manufacturing concern always included prime cost, factory cost; work in progress during the period of production processes to monitor the total amount of completion has been done or required for a particular project. For Seafarer Kayaks, cost of goods manufactured has been adjustable by incorporating net amount of work in progress which included with factory cost (Crosson and Needles 2013). In the books of Seafarer Kayaks Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured Yearly Figures Particulars Amount Amount Direct Material Consumed : Raw Material Purchase $ 120000 Add : Opening Balance of Raw Material $25000 $145000 Less: Closing Balance of Raw Material $24000 $121000 Direct Labor Costs : $35700 Prime Cost $156700 Factory Overhead: Indirect Labor Cost $15000 Factory Managers' Salary $12000 Factory Supplies $5000 Depreciation - Factory Building $6500 Depreciation - Factory Equipment $8900 Insurance Factory $5000 Repairs Maintenance - Factory $2500 Land Tax - Factory $2200 $57100 Factory Cost $213800 Opening Balance of Work-in-Progress $8000 Less: Closing Balance of Work-in-Progress $7500 $500 Costs Of Goods Manufactured $214300 Source: (Created by author) Schedule Preparation for Cost of Goods Sold Within an Manufacturing Concern The schedule for preparation of cost of goods sold has been calculated on the basis of total expenses incurred relatively measurement of total units of goods sold. The sold goods are only considered in the cost of goods sold figure, rest of others is denoted as finished goods (Clarke 2012). The gross margin of the concern is determined for calculating revenue excluding total expenses and cost related to manufacturing of goods. For ascertaining the cost of goods sold for particular manufacturing activities has been adjusted with opening balance of finished goods and its closing balance simultaneously. In the books of Seafarer Kayaks Schedule of Cost of Goods Sold Yearly figures Particulars Amount Amount Costs Of Goods Manufactured $214300 Opening Balance of Finished Goods $12500 Less: Closing Balance of Finished Goods $13600 -$1100 Cost Of Goods Sold $213200 Source: (Created by author) There are various expenses which are not considered in manufacturing cost or cost of goods sold. These are indirect cost only providing impact on enhancement of sales activities of the company (Chang and Dzan 2012). On the other hand, administrative costs, employees salary and others indirect costs are related to sales process but there are no link with production process. So according to the process procedures and regulation these indirect expenses are also not included in the above mentioned schedules. Calculations of T-Accounts and Overheads T-Accounts of Seafarer Kayaks Manufacturing Concern Raw Material A/c. Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 1st July To, Balance B/F $25000 30th June By, Work-in-Progress A/c $121000 To, Accounts Payable A/c. $120000 30th June By, Balance C/F $24000 $145000 $145000 Work-in-Progress A/c. Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 1st July To, Balance B/F $8000 By, Finished Goods A/c $121500 To, Raw Materials A/c $121000 30th April By, Balance C/F $7500 $129000 $129000 Finished Goods A/c. Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 1st July To, Balance B/F $12500 By, Cost of Goods Sold A/c $120400 To, Work-in-Progress A/c $121500 30th June By, Balance C/F $13600 $134000 $134000 iii) Manufacturing Overhead A/c. Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 30th June To Bank A/c $57100 By, Cost of Goods Sold A/c $57100 $57100 $57100 ii) Accounts Payable A/c. Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 30th April To, Bank A/c. $117500 1st July By, Balance B/F $20000 By, Raw Material A/c $120000 30th June By, Balance C/f $22500 $140000 $140000 Cost of Goods Sold A/C Date Particulars Amount (Dr.) Date Particulars Amount (Cr.) 30th June To Finished Goods A/c. $120400 To Direct Labor Cost A/c. $35700 To, Manufacturing Overhead A/c. $57100 30th June By, Income Statement $213200 $213200 $213200 Applied Overhead and Actual Overhead Over / Under Valuation of Overhead Direct Labor Hours Direct Labor Hours Total Overhead Cost Predetermined Overhead 850 $63 $53,550 Actual Overhead $57,100 Under Applied Overhead Rate ($3,550) Source: (Created by author) Journal Entry for Under-Applied Overhead: Cost of Goods Sold A/c..Dr $3550 To, Manufacturing Overhead A/c $3550Cr Issue and Journal Entries For Under and Over Applied Overheads Bear by the Manufacturing Concern Generally manufacturing concerns are maintaining their books of accounts through preparation of budgets by monitoring their specified production level. Though in many cases, it is found that budgeted overhead figures estimated by the organization is different from actual incurred figures. The gap between budgeted and actual expenses is basically segmented into two categories. When budgeted figures are greater than actual one, it is considered over applied if actual is greater than budgeted, it is considered as under applied overhead (Brigham and Houston 2012). These gaps are created due to several causes are following below. Increment and decrement in actual output level. Fluctuations in actual consumption units by considering various cost factors like energy, human power and raw material. Insufficient production activities, due to that reduction in consumption levels. Strike budgetary control activities and implementing modern technology. Journal Entries for Elimination of Figure Gap For under applied overheads: Cost of Goods Sold A/c..Dr To, Manufacturing Overhead A/c..Cr For over applied overheads: Manufacturing Overhead A/c..Dr To, Cost of Goods Sold A/c ..Cr Importance of Standard Costing System There is various number of important aspects are related to standard costing system. It is mostly required for budget controlling activities of the organization, for handling their production process. With the support of this system, it is easier to track and resolve various cost related adjustments and variance between actual and budgetary costing system (Braun, Tietz and Harrison 2013). The managerial authorities of the Company Seafarer Kayaks can appropriately take the benefits of standard costing system and related processes. These processes will support the company to create strong budgetary controlling and monitoring procedures, proper reconciliation activities and appropriate system for indentifying the variances between estimated and actual expenses incurred by them with a specific period. Conclusion According to the overall analysis, it is shown that it is essential for a firm or individual to follow an appropriate product costing method. The entire process is supporting management of a organization to manage and control while setting the cost of offered products and services. The management costing is also supportive to make proper decision making strategies. On the other hand, owners of the company Seafarer Kayaks required making implementation of sufficient costing methods for continuing their manufacturing concerns operation effectively. References AASB, C.A.S., 2013. Fair Value Measurement. Brandon, G., 2016. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Project Management Leadership Integral Business Part

Question: Describe about the Project Management Leadership for Integral Business Part. Answer: 1: Leaders are an integral part of the business, as they facilitate the organization in enhancing the profitability in an efficient manner. With the engagement of the proper leadership style, the organization can easily identify the key development areas of the business (Johansen 2012). In this context, Lauren, the project manager of the organization named Sharp Printing has been facing challenges in executing the process in an effectual manner. Sharp printing has tried to invent a color laser printer for the consumer at the low cost of less than $200. It was quite challenging tasks for Lauren to accomplish the particular project within the given budget. There were two prime challenges to Lauren including budgeting and time. By analyzing the entire process, Lauren has come across the fact that the budget is short for the project. According to the budget of Lauren, it was overrun by 20%. The particular project was challenging for almost all employees and management team because the es timated cost was too low for the project. The prime objective of the Sharp Printing was to engage high numbers of customers in their business so that they could achieve the high sales revenue within a short timeframe. Hence, the organization has planned to engage the customer by providing high quality color laser printing at a jaw-dropping price. In this context, Lauren should have followed a particular leadership style for enhancing the process of production. By discussing the leadership style, it can be assessed that there are mainly five types of leadership styles including autocratic leadership, democratic leadership, quiet leadership and Transformational Leadership (Yeung et al. 2012). Besides this, laissez-faire, participative and transactional leadership are also different types of leadership styles. The autocratic leadership style indicates the process of providing commands to the employees to execute a particular task. In this leadership style, managers are the least bother about obtaining some suggestion from the employees in the business. For instance, if Lauren utilizes the autocratic leadership, then he would not be able to take suggestions or feedbacks from the employees and staffs. Consequently, this particular project would be able to accomplish within a certain timeframe. Without having the suggestion and fee dbacks of the employees and other staffs from the design department, Lauren may not be able to conduct the project in an effective manner. On the contrary, Autocratic leadership would facilitate the management in achieving the goals and objectives of the business (Schoemaker, Krupp and Howland 2013). Besides the autocratic leadership style, Laissez-faire leadership also has some drawbacks, as the leaders under this particular leadership style show the lack of direct supervision of employees and often it fails to provide regular feedbacks to employees. Hence, it can be assessed that Lauren should not acquire the particular leadership, as it may not facilitate her to execute the process in an efficient manner. Unlike the discussed leadership styles, participative or the democratic leadership style would be the best possible solution for the project manager of the company named Lauren. In the democratic or participative leadership, the manager allows the employees and staffs to provide their individual suggestions on a particular subject (Neumann and Neumann 2013). Most of the business analysts have agreed with the fact that the participative leadership style plays an integral role in the business for enhancing the organizational performance. On the other hand, the participative leadership style facilitates the organization in achieving the goals and objectives of the business in an effective manner. In this context, Lauren, the project manager of Sharp Printing should have followed the participative leadership style for conducting the particular project in an effectual manner. By analyzing the particular scenario, it can be assessed that the higher management needs to take the suggestions and feedbacks from the employees so that they could obtain an idea about the accomplishment of the project. Lauren understands that the estimated cost and budget of the project may be overrun. Consequently, the project manager needs to conduct a meeting with the key shareholders along with the employees of the company. Without engaging the experienced employees of the design department, Lauren would not be able to enhance the execution process in an appropriate manner. Besides, the project manager of the company needs to involve the employees from the research and development department so that they could produce better ideas for accomplishing the project within a short allocated budget. On the other hand, the project manager of the company needs to understand the requirements of the project. By engaging the research and development team into the discussion process, the project manager may be able to understand the key development areas of the project. According to Lauren, the estimated cost for the project was $1,250,000, which was 20% extra from the budget made by the management of Sharp Print. There are several leadership theories including Trait theory, contingency theory of leadership, and behavioral theory of leadership. According to trait theory, people are born or made up with certain qualities that facilitate them in excelling the roles and responsibilities of the leaders in the business. These qualities include intelligence, sense of responsibilities, creativity, and other values. The focus of the trait theory is to analyze the mental, physical and social characteristics for gaining more understanding about the characteristics of the leaders. However, there are many shortfalls of the trait leadership, which may decrease the potentiality of the leaders. In this context, Lauren has faced several challenges in executing the project in an effective manner. The prime challenges to Lauren were to manage the cost and time for the project. In most of the cases, the trait theory has been facilitating the organization in providing the unbiased solutions to the business. Hence , it can be assessed that the project manager should have followed the trait theory for enhancing the business opportunities in an effective manner. On the other hand, the behavioral theory of leadership indicates the process where the employees or staffs follow the behaviors of the leaders. Hence, it can be assessed that the leaders are the most important factor of the business that enhances the business process execution in an effective manner. Hancock, Dyk and Jones (2012) have argued that the leaders are responsible for managing the productivity of the business. Besides, the effective leaders facilitate in reducing employee-related issues in an effective manner. In this context, the project manager named Lauren needs to follow the leadership traits for analyzing the current issues of the business. Moreover, the leaders play an integral role in managing the workforce in an effective manner. In this scenario, Lauren needs to enhance the workforce of the organization to execute the particular project within the given timeframe. By motivating the employees in the organization, the project manager would be able to enhance the workforce in an effectively, which would facilitate the management to reduce the estimated time of the project. 2: In the twentieth century, most of the organizations shifted their focus from Taylorism to humanism due to the demand of the different management agenda. However, the Taylorism is based on the authority to force the individual for carrying out a particular task in an efficient manner (Taylor and Woodhams 2012). In the human resource management, there are several traditions for achieving goals and objectives of the business. Taylorism and humanism are two individual traditions of the human resource management. These two traditions of the human resource management could be identified through its individual principles. During the mid-century, most of the organizations follow these traditions to manage employees in the business (Aquilecchia 2013). Without implementing a particular theory on the human resource management, the organizations would not be able to enhance the business opportunities in an appropriate manner. Depending on different principles and characteristics, both of thes e traditions provide distinct outcomes. In the modern business era, most of the organizations follow their different strategic approaches for executing a particular task. In this context, the organization called Sharp Printer made a business objective of producing the color laser printer at the low price of less than $200. For achieving this particular goal, the organization has made different strategic approaches. The project manager of the organization has identified the fact that the cost and time for the project in this context, the job design of the project is very important. Without including the proper job design, the organization would not be able to execute the tasks in an effective manner. Taylorism indicates a scientific process that facilitates in achieving the goals and objectives of the business. Besides, the particular approach to the human resource management indicates the theory of management analyzing and synthesizing the workflows in an effectual manner (Mel 2013). Fredrick Winslow Taylor discussed that the scientific management is the best rational method for executing a task. Moreover, the particular theory of the human resource management can enhance the productivity and profitability of the business. During the mid-century, most of the organizations focused on the implementing the Taylorism approach in the business, as it facilitated them in enhancing the productivity of the business in an effectual manner. On the contrary, Catao and Melo (2013) have argued that the Taylorism not only facilitates the organization to enhance the production of the business but also improves the workability of the employees. By enhancing the performance of the employees, the organization would not be able to improve the productivity. Consequently, it would lead the organization to face certain downfall in the competitive market. The Taylor scientific management process depends on four underlying principles. First, the management needs to replace the rule of thumb work methods with the scientific method for enhancing the production of the business. Second, the employees need to be trained, selected or developed scientifically so that their workability can be improved (Aquilecchia 2013). According to Taylor, each worker must be fitted to certain jobs based on their skills. Hence, it can be assessed that the prime job of the employer is to fit people into jobs and train them scientifically for achieving the maximum productivity. Third, the organization needs to provide the instruction and supervision to each employee and staffs so that they could execute the task in an effective manner. Finally, the specialization and collaboration within the organization need to be conveyed to the employees. On the other hand, the humanism theory is opposite to the Taylorism. According to the humanism theory, the management should make the job fit for the employees so that the employees could deliver high performance to the business. As per the particular theory, the management needs to provide motivation, satisfaction to the employees for enhancing the workability of the staffs in an efficient manner. The particular theory focuses on motivating the employees for improving the productivity of the business. However, the management needs to take some approaches for implementing the humanism theory in the business. First, the management needs to consider the basic dignity and the humanity of the employees and customers. Second, every business should include the ethical judgment and thinking. Finally, every business decision should be made by taking different suggestions from the employees, and management. In this context, the project manager of the organization called Sharp Print faces challenges in executing the project due to lack of time and budget. The estimated time and cost of the project overrun the management expectation. Consequently, the particular project becomes challenging task to the project manager. Hence, it can be assessed that the humanism theory will be appropriate for the organization, as it could facilitate them in motivating the employees in an efficient manner. On the other hand, the humanism approach is more convincing for the business enhancement within a certain timeframe. From the end of the twentieth century, most of the organizations focused on the humanism approach rather implementing the Taylorism approach into the business. Due to the several motivating factors, organizations started following the humanism theory. Most of the business analysts have agreed with the fact that the humanism approach has facilitated in bringing industrial revolutionary. Henc e, it can be assessed that the adoption of the humanism approach would be the best possible solution for the particular organization, as it would provide them several beneficial aspects including the employee motivation, accumulating suggestion and feedbacks from the employees and staffs. Catao and Melo (2013) have argued that the Taylor sum approach has several beneficial aspects of employees, workers, and society. Hancock, Dyk and Jones (2012) have highlighted the fact that the particular approach facilitates the employees in utilizing the resources through scientific techniques. During the twentieth century, most of the organizations indeed avoided applying the Taylorism approach due to several drawbacks of the process. For instance, the Taylorism approach is only applicable for the simple organizations, as the dynamic and complex organizations would not be able to obtain the desired outcome by implementing the Taylorism approaches in the business. Moreover, the Taylorism approac h focuses on the individual performance rather focusing on the group performance. Consequently, humanism approach is more applicable to the dynamic and complex organization. In this particular context, the organization called Sharp has been facing serious issue to accomplish the particular task in an effectual manner. Taylorism and humanism are both the human resource management approach that facilitates the organization in enhancing the business opportunities in an appropriate manner. Most of the business analysts have agreed with the fact that the Taylorism approach has some drawbacks that prevent the organization in executing the business in an effectual manner. The project manager needs to implement the humanism approach into the business, as it would facilitate them in conducting their desired project within the given timeframe. 3:During the mid-century, most of the organizations have been facing challenges in executing the organizational development due to the lack of team effort. According to Chapman (2012), group effort is needed in most businesses for conducting a particular task within a given timeframe. As a project manager, one should implement several strategic approaches to building a team so that it could produce positive outcomes in the business. According to Seck and Helton (2014), development of strong teamwork begins with the trust and clear communication. Without having the trust, the leaders would not be able to experience the beneficial aspects. For developing a team, a project manager needs to start the process by creating a clear goal or objectives. On the other hand, without establishing the frequent team meetings and other communicative approaches, the project manager would not be able to obtain the positive outcome from the business. Aside from this, the project manager needs to build t rust and openness with the team members so that the suggestions and feedbacks could be accumulated in an effectual manner. The project manager is also responsible for providing the recognitions to the teams performing exceptionally well. Consequently, it would enhance the business opportunities in an effectual manner. For experiencing the enhanced outcome from the business, most of the companies adopt the Tuckman model. With the involvement of this model, the organization could achieve the goals and objectives in the business. In 1965, Bruce Tuckman, a Psychology professor has developed a model highlighting the process of forming a group in the organization. Tuckman discussed that the group development is one of the prime factors for obtaining profitable outcomes from the business. With the engagement of this model into the business, teams could experience the high performances. This particular model consists of five stages including forming, storming, norming, and performing. Forming: This particular stage happens when the team first assembles. During the initial meeting, team members share their information and experiences. It develops the first impression of the members. In this stage, the group leaders play an integral role, as he has to deliver the objectives and goal to the team members (zer, Sakes and Tuckman 2013). Moreover, the leaders are responsible for making the members understand their individual responsibilities to the group. On the other hand, the team leaders should have to provide detail information to the each group members the process of contributing to the group mission. Being a project manager, Lauren needs to form a team and provide the team members adequate information about the goal and objectives of the organization. Without having the knowledge and information about the mission, the employees would not be able to deliver their high quality performance in the business. Storming: It is the most turbulent time in any groups life cycle. In the storming stage, most of the people start pushing against the boundaries formed in the forming stage. Most of teams face challenges in this particular stage to execute certain tasks. According to Tuckman, confusion often starts into the team when there is a conflict between the team members regarding their working styles (Fransen et al. 2012). People may work in different forms for obtaining a particular goal and objectives. However, the team members become frustrated if different working style creates unforeseen problems. Sometimes, people could get confused due to the lack of work training. Without having enhanced training module, the employee may not understand their job role. Consequently, it could create challenges for the management to accomplish a particular goal or objectives within a given timeframe. In this context, the project manager of the company called Sharp printer needs to reduce the conflict among the tea m members by providing adequate information about the individual job role. Norming: In the norming stage, the team members appreciate their colleagues strengths. Moreover, the team members, in this stage respect their authority as leaders. In the norming stage, each employee has adequate information about their colleagues and they may socialize together. According to Tuckman, group member develop a stronger commitment to the team goal in the norming stage. Performing: In the performing stage, group members have the adequate knowledge about their individual job role and they provide their high-class performance to the business for achieving organizational goals and objectives. During this phase, the group members reach their highest level of capability and motivation so that the organization could progress towards goals. On the other hand, the companys leaders must develop the team spirit for enhancing the business opportunities. Adjourning: It is the final phase of team developing process. This particular process happens, when the project is accomplished. Most of the groups employ this time for reflecting their accomplishments and understand the lessons learned during the execution of the process. On the other hand, the members can also utilize the adjourning phase for praising other members who have provided enhanced performance for the accomplishment of the next project. Hence, it can be assessed that the five stages of group development facilitate the organizations in achieving the goals and objectives of the business. On the other hand, these stages indeed contribute in building the dynamic team in the business. by following the particular stages, the project manager could be able to improve the team effort in the business. Figure 1: Tuckman Model (Source: Fransen et al. 2012) Beside Tuckman model, team performance curve is also an important aspect of the team developing process. According to the team performance curve, five levels of teamwork can be plotted on an X-Y axis. The five levels of the curve begin with the working group followed by the pseudo team, the potential team, the real team, and the high-performance team. The working group: The purpose of this group is to specify the roles and responsibilities of its members and delegate tasks. The members of the group primly interact with other colleagues to share the information and best practices and make decisions. The members of the groups take the responsibilities for obtaining their results. Pseudo Team: In this stage, the team focuses on the collective performance. Moreover, it has the potentiality for the significant and incremental gain. However, the team members do not take the risks for becoming a potential team. They are not interested in developing a common purpose for setting performance goals. The Pseudo team resides at the bottom of the performance curve zer, Sakes and Tuckman (2013). The potential team: This type of team often experiences the significant and incremental gain in the performance. In this stage, the members of the team provide a high attention to achieve the high level of performance. However, the members are required to deliver high quality performance in the business to achieve the organizational objectives in an effectual manner. The Real Team: This team consists of a small number of members having a common goal and same approach to work. In this team, the members of the group have complementary skills. The performance of the real team is much higher than the potential team and working group. The High-performance Team: It has all the criteria of a real team. However, the members of the team are deeply committed to one others personal growth and development. The group members need to have a high very strong personal commitment to moving into the high-performance team from the real team. Figure 2: Team Performance Curve (Source: zer, Sakes and Tuckman 2013) By analyzing the above discussion, it can be assessed that the team performance curve and the Tuckman model have high value for enhancing the team development process in the organization. The prime strength of the team development model is that the particular theoretical approach could provide a high level of guidance for the team development. However, the Tuckman model has some drawbacks, as it the groups in the organization may not be linear. The group may be cyclical. Most of the business analysts have argued that the model deals with the human behavior. Consequently, the group members often fail to follow the strict rules for achieving the particular goals and objectives of the business. 4: Negotiation is the method used to reach an agreement by compromise, which is open to discussion or modification. Negotiation is the process of trying to get a better deal for the project that the project manager would get without negotiation. By analyzing the above subject, it can be assessed that the project manager obtains high facilitation by negotiating with the employees and other people of the management. Negotiation is the focused approach for solving the problem in an effectual manner. On the other hand, it limits the number of competitors involved in the disputes. By negotiating with other parties, the project manager would be able to enhance the business opportunities in an appropriate manner. However, it has some drawbacks. For instance, if the parties have diverse viewpoints, then the progress might not happen in the business. During the mid-century, most of the organizations have been focusing on negotiating with other companies for expanding the business into the large domestic areas as well as foreign market. Baarslag et al. (2014) have discussed that the negotiation is a continual process, and it does not indicate the individual event. There are several business negotiation strategies including planning, c reative thinking, and close deal explicitly. For conducting an Effective negotiation, the project manager needs to plan the entire thing accordingly. Without having proper planning, the project manager would not be able to execute the process in an effective manner. Besides planning, creative thinking is required for negotiating a deal. By thinking outside of the box, the project manager would be able to provide the enhanced solutions to the business. Before negotiating a deal, the project manager must analyze different beneficial aspects of the business. There are several negotiating strategies in business. However, the adoption of the negotiating strategy depends on the goals and objectives of the organization. Some of the important negotiating strategies include advanced preparation, friendship, and empathy, educating another party, advantage and walking away (Lopes, Ilco and Sousa 2013). Before negotiating a deal with a party, a project manager needs to accumulate adequate information about the situation. On the other hand, the project manager must gather a huge number of information about the partys need and previous records in the business. Consequently, it would facilitate the project manager in enhancing the business opportunities. Sometimes, the organization forgets about focusing on identifying the issue of others business. For instance, if an organization is planning on buying another venture, it must analyze the reason for which the particular organization has been planning to sell their business to another party. For negotiating in an appropriate manner, the project manager needs to have some negotiation skills including problem analysis, preparation, active listening, emotional control, verbal communication, collaboration, and teamwork, problem solving ability, decision-making ability, interpersonal skills and ethics, and reliability. According to Harder, Christensson and Sderbck (2013), effective negotiation cannot happen without having the analytical skills. A successful negotiation indicates a process where two parties come together and hammer out a particular agreement accepted from both ends. Before entering into the negotiating process, the project manager needs to determine the goals and objectives of the business. Active listening is one of the integral requirements for being a good negotiator. Without having the active listening skills, the project manager would not be able to execute the particular task in an effective manner. Nowadays, most of the organizations have been focusing on the negotiation process for enhancing the business opportunities in an effective manner. For example, supermarket companies expand their business in the large domestic areas through the process of negotiation. Tesco, a supermarket giant in the UK market, is a tough negotiator. Tesco negotiates with the suppliers for receiving the goods in minimum value ( 2016). However, the suppliers could not be able to avoid negotiation due to the brand value of the company. Most of the suppliers try to make a healthy relationship with the particular organization to execute business for a long period. Besides Tesco, WalMart is also a tough negotiator, who negotiates with its suppliers in the market. Tesco believes that the prime strategy for the negotiation is that the organization needs to uphold good reputations and friendly behaviors with its suppliers, as these particular approaches indeed facilitate them in negotiating with the suppliers. On the other hand, the marketing plan of the organization is exceptionally well, as the management identifies the area where they should negotiate with other parties. Tesco has a goal of expanding the business to the large domestic areas as well as in the global platform. Hence, the management team of the organization has acknowledged the fact that their negotiating approach would facilitate them in enhancing the business opportunities in an effectual manner. Sometimes, the particular organization has to negotiate with the foreign government to reduce the political legislations from the business (Dastjerdi and Buyya 2012). Moreover, the particular process would facilitate them in expanding the business into the international market. According to the management of the organization, limited global presence is responsible for the limited market share. Consequently, the negotiating strategies would be the best possible solution for spreading the business into the large international market so that it could experience high mark et share. On the contrary, Tesco often fails to negotiate with other organizations in the foreign places. Hence, they face challenges in entering into some regions for conducting business. Therefore, it can be assessed that the negotiation is one of the major factors for enhancing the business opportunities within a short timeframe (Piche 2012). The particular section highlights the importance and strategies of negotiation. Moreover, the impact of negotiation on the business has been analyzed in this particular section. References: Aquilecchia, G., 2013. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

David, Michelangelo and Donatello free essay sample

During the renaissance Michelangelo had created many magnificent pieces of art, one of which is the most well-known pieces among the world; the sculpture of David. The Michelangelo sculpture of David wasn’t the only one created during its time, for Donatello had created one some years before hand. Among the two sculptures, Michelangelo’s has a more profound, fascinating, and exceptional quality to it that contributed greatly to the Renaissance. The High Renaissance was a period denoting the apogee of the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance during of which two artists were commissioned to sculpt a very historical figure by the name of David who threw his heroism slaed a Goliath. Donatello’s and Michelangelo sculpture of David are both remarkable pieces of art that have many similarities and differences. In my opinion, I think Michelangelo’s statue of David overall is relaxed pose, but the tension of the statue is held in the face of David. Paying close attention to the statue’s face, one would notice his eye brows are in a downward narrow position. This would indicate to the viewer that there is more behind in the statue than just a casual pose. Also Michelangelo demonstrates a profound knowledge of the human anatomy. As I stated before, the detailed intensity of the eyes and eyebrows and the focus it brings to the face. His eyes are in a keen state focusing on an impending battle; furthermore the face is filled with confidence and aggression. Standing in a relaxed state and, he’s naked but Michel depicted David as a hero. These similarities and differences in the sculptures represent the artists themselves, the Florentine people, as well as the governing body of Florence. The poses, stances, and features of each piece shows different aspects and characteristics of what the society of the time embodied. Donatello sculpture was commissioned during a time where change was unacceptable, and certain guide lines had to be followed this leads me to wonder. Had Donatello been given the freedom to sculpt what his heart desired, would we have a complete different piece of art? Michelangelo had been commissioned to sculpt David some 30 years later by this time you have an artist that is will to push the limitation. Donatello’s sculpture was built in 1469; it celebrates a victory form the Hebrew Bible over the giant Goliath. Donatello portrays David as life size freestanding male towering over the head of the goliath representing a classical tradition. This was the first sculpture of its time to be completely nude. Donatello only dresses David in a hat and boots leaving some clothing and ‘nothing left to the imagination’. The sculpture’s appearance is almost womanlike, fragile, with lavish hair a man that is young, full with vitality, strength, and determination. A man that is content with himself as he casually stands above the head proving to all his willingness and success to overcome tyranny. The hat and sandals are added to dignify the statue, yet the boots remind me of a sheared that would normally guide people. Michelangelo represents David before his triumph over goliath sublimely and confident, ready to take on whatever challenge faced him. As the people of Florence were now ready to take on the world without Medici, As another self-supporting statue of a theological hero, this statue was made to be gigantic. The figure was over 17 feet tall sculpted out of marble the boyish looking man towers over the people with confidence. Portrayed like a god, the nudity and the contrapposto stance are all biased of the Ancient Greek. This sculptor represents the humanism in pristine condition, strong and healthy with compelling beauty and grace. Michelangelo sculpted a David before the battle with Goliath, because this statue was a way to portray a new light for the people of Florence. In this statue David is holding a fruit this represent a sense of integrity and intellect a calmer way to look at things. The similarities between the two David’s are that both are nude, both portray strengths and each one hold the contrapposto stance. The one of the differences between the two Davids is in the eyes Michelangelo’s David has very detailed eyes there looking forward as if to see with an open heart what might be coming next the eyes seem almost embracing and intimidating. Michelangelo seems to represents David in his prime In my opinion the best work of art came from Michelangelo because of the amount of detail that was put into it. They did show humanism in their work. Humanism was not a religion but more of a life philosophy. They focused more on their accomplishments and skills rather than their position in society. They were all men of accomplishment. Humanism is also used to refer to the style they used in their art. Before them, most art appeared flat and two dimensional. With the influence of humanism, these artists focused more on detail and bringing out the illusion of space, form, and dimension. They were among the first to use perspective. So to sum up, they showed humanism in their careers and their artwork. Leonardo Mona Lisa, The Vitruvian Man, Battle of Anghiari, The Last Supper, Madonna of the Carnation Michelangelo David, The Creation of Adam, Rome Pieta, Conversion of Saint Paul Donatello David, Agony in the Garden, St John the Evangelist, Gattamelata The form of classical sculpture became fluid and natural and the stylization of the archaic art gave way to realistic figures which emanated the illusion of moving through space. For the first time in human history, human anatomy was deemed worthy of being immortalized in stone or bronze, and the humble and laborious forward step of the kouros statues was replaced by poses that commanded their space with effortless movement. Michelangelo depicted David before his battle with Goliath. Davis is tense, but not so much in a physical as in a mental sense. See the stiffness of the sculptures before Renaissance 9link below), and the flui

Monday, December 2, 2019

Should People Accept Unfairness free essay sample

That’s not fair. Many people have to deal with unfairness in their own ways. Equity and justice are just what people strive to achieve for in life. I believe unfairness should be accepted by all and one should try and find ways to make the best of it. There are reasons why I think one should accept it. One, because people have different perspectives, sometimes things don’t turn out the way they want, and giving yourself a choice to change. All individuals have different perspectives on unfairness. What one may think is unfair, they may think is fair. One can’t really change their thinking; it’s just part of their â€Å"point of reason†. For example, a successful, semi-wealthy individual was hired to become the executive chef at this stable restaurant/golf course. In the beginning, everything was running smooth, but then it started going downhill for him. Specific mistreatments, unnecessary write-ups, over reacted inspections; it all just seemed â€Å"unfair†. We will write a custom essay sample on Should People Accept Unfairness? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He wondered if he should explain his position so that they would appreciate what hes doing or move on to something much more suitable to his liking. So it’s the person’s decision whether they should take things into their own hands. Some need to understand that one point of view doesn’t always favor another. Take in knowledge of how people handle things so you know how to deal with certain situations. Never settle for what people have you do, you always have another choice. Being negative never ends with good results. If one desires such results they have to go out of their way to change it. Sitting around with a negative attitude, expecting a change will get one absolutely nowhere. It affects that individual to a certain breaking point, I would say. If one doesn’t take action, it’s bound to stay the same because there was no effort given. Sound judgment is your best choice, making sure your making the right decision so that you have that positive effect. If you want good results, putting effort into change will make a difference. One should have to come to realize that most things that he attempts to accomplish, won’t turn out the way he wanted it to. Whether it is a project, or just a simple conversation. This can be somewhat related to unfairness. Let’s say in a job setting, one does his utmost to get a higher position. He proves himself worthy of it, yet someone else is offered the position that he worked hard for. Fair or unfair? In the boss’ eyes, he might see something that he favors in the other employer, not recognizing what the other has proved. Life comes with multiple surprises and disappointments. One would have to accept the fact that some things might not finish off the way he expects it to. It may affect his thinking on fairness by doing so. Recognizing point of view, knowing what actions one must take for change, and also seeing the desire for it is the only way to accept unfairness. Life isn’t always fair. As one grows older, he’ll come to realize that making the best of his life is more important than dwelling on the unfair things itself. Make a change for what you personally want; it’s the only way of experiencing â€Å"complete equity and justice†.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Volunteering Essay Example For Students

Volunteering Essay As Henry the 8th said to one of his wives, I wont keep you long. Good evening, members and guests of the Lions Club. The average American high school student is in school 7 hours a day, from 8AM to 3PM and is asleep 9 hours a day, from 10PM to 7AM. Over the years, I have noticed that San Mateo County high school students are not your average American high school students. Most of us are at school from sunrise to sunset, club meeting here, track meet there, mom! Ill be home for dinner by six! Thats 10 hours a day at school! Thank God Im graduating soon. We will write a custom essay on Volunteering specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now And 9 hours of sleep a day? Who sleeps 9 hours a day? I know I dont, Ill be lucky to get 6. And now theyre asking us to do community service? On weekends? Over the years, interest in community service has slowly declined. People are hesitant to give their time and are more likely to point fingers and say, community service? Thats their job. Whose job? Some will say that community service is the governments responsibility. They have the funds and the manpower. However, we see that the government is slowly abandoning the countrys needy by such actions as welfare reform. In 1996, the states were allowed to cut welfare benefits to those who need them most. Professor Coffin at Harvard University, believes that governments are not good at creating a fabric of care in communities anyway, and that THAT should be where the churches come in. And by some estimates, churches spend a total of $12 billion dollars a year on services for the needy. That number however, does not include the volunteers and their countless hours of service. Yet, community service is still declining. Why? Some say its because the kids arent helping out. Kids these days dont care about their community. Schools have to make community service a requirement to be able to graduate. Todays youth should be responsible for community service. They have the energy and the enthusiasm, they have the time, and if anything, theyll serve the community that theyll grow up in, and maybe even their children will grow up in. Or maybe community service should be the responsibility of the citizens who cannot abide by the law of the land. The citizen who jeopardizes the safety of the community should be obligated to give back to the community what he or she has taken from it. The average number of community service hours ordered for an offense between 1997 and 1998 was 100 hours. Negligent driving was punished by 150 hours of community service, arson 175, and robbery 200 hours. So if you think about it, if a person was driving drunk, decided to rob a store, then got scared and set the store on fire, they would be serving the community 525 hours. Can you imagine? What a citizen! 525 hours of community service! Now thats admirable, community service must be their responsibility. President Clinton said in him memorandum to the executive departments and agencies that, community service is a great American tradition and a profound expression of the civic values that bind us together as a Nation. So whose responsibility is community service really? Its mine, its yours, its even the lovely lady in the blues responsibility. Those who prosper, use, or simply even live and are safe in our community are obligated to a certain degree to give back to the community. The people who work in San Mateo Countys businesses can give a small donation to their local Park and Recreation Department, for better uniforms and more equipment. High school students who have reaped the benefits of San Mateo Countys excellent public education can help a nearby elementary schoolteacher correct papers. Children who have a safe place to play can pick up a candy wrapper on the ground here and there. Even the elderly, who finally get to enjoy the beauty and environment of our community, can simply smile at someone who looked like they had a bad day. Sadly, most people these days dont have enough time to volunteer. .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .postImageUrl , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:hover , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:visited , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:active { border:0!important; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:active , .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1cfb8a142cff420815451bec8004230c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Disney Company - one of the world leaders in media Essay They complain about everyone being so competitive and never reaching out a helping hand. Then they get . Volunteering Essay Example For Students Volunteering Essay I ambitiously decided that I would brighten the lives of the elderly by Volunteering Essay at a rest home, but discovered that the elderly were being neglected, shoved aside and forgotten. As I stepped into the home a pungent odor penetrated my nostrils, causing an instantaneous gagging reflex. The place was abounded with neglected and subdued inhabitants, yearning for attention. Anybody that passed them caused a sudden outburst of ranting. The negligence and disregard the home displayed appalled me, but helped me to realize that I wanted to make a difference and change the condition people live in. As I walked down the corridor I noticed a man lying in a hospital bed with only a television, two dressers, and a single window looking out at nothing cluttering his room. Depression overwhelmed me as I stared at the man laying on his bed, wearing a hospital gown stained by failed attempts to feed himself and watching a television that was not on. The fragments of an existence of a life once active and full of conviction and youth, now laid immovable in a state of unconsciousness. He was unaffected by my presence and remained in his stupor, despondently watching the blank screen. The solitude I felt by merely observing the occupants of the home forced me to recognize the mentality of our culture, out with the old and in with the new. I then sat with a woman who was gazing out of the window. We will write a custom essay on Volunteering specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The woman appeared to be in her early eighties, but youth could still be seen in her angelic blue eyes which illuminated her entire presence. Her face glowed with content and tranquility, and she carried a slight smile that finished her face so completely. Enchanted by her serene radiance, I did not disturb her. Suddenly she began to speak in a whispered hum that was more like a song, unique in a dwelling full of ranting outbursts. She spoke of years long past, swimming in the pond with her sister and dancing in the moonlight. I could picture all in my head, like I was watching a movie. Then she began repeating the story she had just told me, and I realized that she was merely talking to herself. Although this discovery disenchanted me at first, I soon realized that, although the woman was talking to herself, she still had so many fantastic stories stored in her mind. The residents of the home all had some life flittering in them and numerous stories to share; they just need someone to listen to them. After my experience at the home I knew that one of my goals in life would always be o help make sure that people were receiving proper treatment, and not merely stuffed away and drugged up. Being in the home was like a separate world, one between life and death. When I reached the outside world again everything seemed so fresh. There were bright yellow-green leaves that hung with an arrogant vivacity, cars that sped by with such fervor, wind blowing with verve and energy, lively children playing with a vivacious lust for life, and the vitality that exudes from the air into your lungs. I wanted to bring this energy into the home, or at least bring the residents outside to relive the liveliness that the world can provide. The inhabitants of the home appeared to be completely withdrawn from life and they had no aspirations for tomorrow. I came to the understanding that by that age people were done, their lives were lived, and they only waited. However, it does not have to be that way. I learned from this experience how the elderly are treated in this country, how the advancements of technology making it possible for people to live longer is being wasted to keep people alive but not living. .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .postImageUrl , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:hover , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:visited , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:active { border:0!important; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:active , .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56 .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u94e95f68fa8491aff6c43f5efda77e56:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Life-Span Developmental Approach to Counseling Essay .