Thursday, August 29, 2019

Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The Essay

Assignment should be presented as a Journal opinion article. The article should be timely and address an economic issue of current interest to Wall Street Journal readers - Essay Example For the Chicago region, costs of shipping have risen since some organizations are forced to use other routes, which were more expensive. In Dallas, trucking companies argue that cargo volumes went down due to West Coast ports shipping disruptions. This is because small-parcel and rail shipments went up in January, even though they were high the previous year. For the retailers in the western states, they would have realized strong sales during the holiday season if the delays that emerged from West Coast ports never took place. These issues led to a reduction in agricultural exports, as perishable goods were wasted while in storage containers before they could be shipped (Portlock). In addition, Boston Fed revealed that firms were under pressure, particularly due to the negative influences that resulted from unanticipated weather conditions in the southern part of New England. Nevertheless, products, such as coats, boosts, and winter sporting equipment realized strong sales. However, several retailers said that more than 200 stores situated in New England could not operate for a few days due to extreme weather conditions (Portlock). New York, on the other hand, is showing a rise in available rentals, indicating new economic developments, especially in Brooklyn. A transportation analyst situated in Philadelphia region stipulated that the flourishing traffic is nearing levels last witnessed during the previous expansion. In Cleveland district, decline in prices of gasoline have encouraged certain individuals to purchase trucks and SUVs, reaching a sales rise of about 7 percent compared to January 2014. However, a number of dental equipment producers in Richmond area said low number of patients led to reduced sales of the products. In the case of Atlanta region, establishments meant for casual dining witnessed a rise in customer volumes as clients were becoming

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